Privacy Policy
CHIO Privacy Policy
Welcome to CHIO, a platform committed to safeguarding your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines our principles and practices for ensuring your data's security and privacy. By using CHIO, you agree to the terms of this Policy.
1. Introduction
CHIO, referred to as "we" in this document, places great importance on protecting your personal information. We adhere to principles such as authority and responsibility, clarity of purpose, opt-in consent, minimum access, security, subject participation, and transparency to maintain your trust. This Privacy Policy applies to all CHIO products and services, including those provided by our affiliates unless they have their own privacy policies. Note that this Policy does not cover services provided by third parties or CHIO products governed by separate policies. Before using our services, please read and understand this Policy. By using our services, you agree to the terms outlined here. If you have any questions, contact us through the provided channels.
2. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Personal information includes any data that can identify you or reflect your activities, either alone or in combination with other information. We collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:
(i) Facilitating User Registration:
To create an account, you may choose to sign in with an Apple account. The information provided will be used during your service usage. If you cancel your account, we will anonymize or delete your information as per applicable laws. Your unique ID, generated during quick login, must be protected by you and cannot be sold or transferred.
(ii) Product or Service Display and Promotion:
To enhance our services, we personalize information search and transaction services based on your browsing history and device information. We may display and push relevant information using this data. You can opt out of receiving commercial advertisements at any time.
While using our services, we collect and analyze information to improve page displays, search results, product fit, and detect account irregularities. This includes device information obtained with user consent. Our systems automatically record service usage details as web logs. Device information and log data do not individually identify you. If non-personal data is combined with personal information, it is treated as personal information during its combined use. We anonymize and de-identify such information unless authorized or required by law.
Communication and call logs may be stored for issue resolution and record-keeping purposes when you contact us.
(iii) Other Uses:
We seek prior consent for using information for purposes not stated in this Policy or for using collected information for different purposes.
(iv) Exceptions to Authorized Consent:
According to relevant laws, we do not need your consent to collect personal information in the following cases:
1. Crime investigation, prosecution, trial, and judgment execution.
2. Protecting life, property, and other important legal rights when obtaining consent is difficult.
3. Information disclosed to the public by you.
4. Information from legitimate public disclosure, such as news reports or government disclosures.
5. Necessary for signing a contract at your request.
6. Maintaining safe and stable operation of our products or services.
7. Legitimate news reporting.
8. Academic research in the public interest, with de-identified personal information in the results.
9. Other cases as stipulated by laws and regulations.
If we cease to operate CHIO products or services, we will stop collecting your personal information, notify you of the cessation, and delete or anonymize the personal information we hold.
2. How We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information
We do not disclose your personal information to companies, organizations, or individuals outside of CHIO's service providers, except in the following circumstances:
1. With Explicit Consent: We will share your personal information with other parties only after obtaining your explicit consent.
2. Under Legal Circumstances: We may share your personal information externally in accordance with laws and regulations, the needs of litigation or dispute resolution, or at the request of administrative or judicial authorities.
3. With Affiliated Companies: To provide services collaboratively with our affiliates and protect the safety of CHIO, its affiliates, other users, or the public, we may share your personal information with them. We will only share essential personal information and obtain your authorization again if sensitive information or new purposes arise.
4. With Authorized Partners: We may provide services with authorized partners. Information sharing is limited to the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. For improving customer service and user experience, we may share your personal information with partners, limited to what is necessary for the service. Partners are required to handle personal information according to our instructions and relevant confidentiality and security measures.
We commit to not transferring your personal information to any companies, organizations, or individuals except in the following circumstances:
1. With Explicit Consent: Your personal information will be transferred to other parties only with your explicit consent.
2. Mergers, Acquisitions, Bankruptcy Liquidation, or Similar Scenarios: In such events, the new entity holding your personal information must adhere to this Privacy Policy. If they cannot comply, they must seek your authorization again.
Public Disclosure
We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:
1. With Express Consent: We may publicly disclose your personal information with your express consent or based on your active choice.
2. Legal Requirements: If you violate laws, regulations, or important CHIO agreements, or if necessary to protect the safety of CHIO users, affiliates, or the public, we reserve the right to disclose your information to law enforcement agencies. You will be informed of the specific violations and measures taken.
Exceptions to Authorized Consent
In the following cases, sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing your personal information does not require prior authorized consent:
1. Related to national security or defense.
2. Related to public safety, public health, or significant public interests.
3. Related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial, and judgment execution.
4. To protect life, property, and other significant legitimate rights when obtaining consent is difficult.
5. Personal information disclosed by you to the public.
6. Personal information collected from legitimate public sources like news reports or government disclosures.
Sharing or transferring de-identified personal information, which prevents re-identification, is not considered an act of sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing personal information. This data processing will occur without further notification or approval.
3. How We Protect Your Personal Information
We rigorously adhere to laws, regulations, and regulatory documents to protect the confidentiality of your information. Here are our key measures:
1. Robust Security Measures: We implement stringent security measures based on industry standards to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, manipulation, or loss. This includes encryption technology, trusted protection mechanisms, a stringent internal control system, and comprehensive management processes. Access to personal information is restricted to authorized personnel, and we conduct security and privacy protection training for employees.
2. Advanced Data Security Management: Our data security management system focuses on the entire data lifecycle, continuously enhancing system security across organizational construction, system design, personnel management, and product technology.
3. Minimization of Data Collection: We take reasonable measures to minimize the collection of irrelevant personal information. Your personal information is retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy, unless law mandates a longer retention period.
4. Caution in Communication: Given the internet's security risks, we recommend using our services for communication and not sharing personal information through unapproved channels. When using our services, you can choose a third party as the recipient, who will have access to your transaction details, contact information, and shared content.
If you suspect your personal information, account, or password has been compromised, contact our customer service promptly for appropriate measures.
Note that by using our services, you may voluntarily share or publicly disclose personal and sensitive information. We advise exercising caution before sharing information on our platform and using strong passwords for account security.
We periodically release reports on security risks and personal data security assessments. Despite our efforts, recognize that the internet environment is not entirely secure. If unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of information occurs, we will assume corresponding legal liability and inform you promptly, providing measures to mitigate risks and remedial actions. We will also report incidents to regulatory authorities as required.
4. How You Manage Your Personal Information / Your Rights
(1) Access and Edit Your Personal Information
• Account Information: To access or edit personal information, set privacy and permissions, or close your account, log in to your account and go to "My" -> "Settings."
• Personal Information: To edit the personal information in your profile, log in to your account and click on "My" Personal ID or "Edit."
If you cannot access this information through the given path, please contact CHIO Customer Service. We guarantee a response to your request within 15 days. For any additional personal information generated during your use of our products or services, we will provide it to you in accordance with the relevant arrangements.
(2) Correction of Your Personal Information
If you find an error in the personal information we process about you, you have the right to request corrections or additions. You may make a request for correction or supplementation in the manner set forth in this section.
(3) Deletion of Your Personal Information
You may delete some of your personal information using the methods listed in this section. In the following cases, you may request us to delete your personal information:
• If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations.
• If we collect or use your personal information without your explicit consent.
• If our handling of personal information seriously violates our agreement with you.
• If you no longer use our products or services, or you voluntarily cancel your account.
• If we no longer provide products or services to you.
If your deletion request is accepted, we will notify any individuals who received your personal information from us and request that they promptly delete it, unless required by law or if you have independently authorized it. Information may not be immediately removed from our backup system, but it will be deleted when the backup is updated.
(4) Managing the Scope of Your Authorization
You are authorized to give or withdraw your consent for the collection and use of additional personal information at any time. Certain business functions and services require your personal information for fulfillment. If you withdraw your consent, we cannot continue to provide these functions and services and will cease processing your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw consent will not impact our prior processing of personal information based on your consent.
(5) User Account Cancellation
You can cancel your account by logging into CHIO (CHIO -> click "My" icon -> click the gear icon in the upper-right corner -> system settings interface -> "Account and Security" -> click "Account Cancellation (Delete Account)"). Your account will be canceled instantly without manual review after you have submitted a successful account cancellation application. After canceling your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, delete your personal information in accordance with legal requirements, or make it anonymized.
(6) Constraints on Automatic Decision-Making by Information Systems
In some business operations, we use automated decision-making mechanisms that rely solely on information systems and algorithms. If such decisions significantly impact your lawful rights and interests, you may request an explanation, and we will offer a channel for appeal that does not violate CHIO's trade secrets, other users' rights and interests, or the public interest.
(7) Responding to Your Requests
For security purposes, we may require a written request or proof of identity. We may ask you to confirm your identity before proceeding with your request and will respond within 15 days. If dissatisfied with our response, you can submit a complaint through CHIO Customer Service. We will do our best to fulfill your reasonable requests. We may deny requests that are repetitive, require excessive technical resources, jeopardize the legal rights of others, or are impractical.
We will not be able to respond to your request in the following cases:
• Related to national security or defense.
• Related to public safety, public health, and significant public interests.
• Related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgment.
• If there is sufficient evidence that the subject of personal information has subjective malice or abuse of rights.
• Responding to your request will lead to serious damage to your legitimate rights and interests or those of others.
• Where commercial secrets are involved.
5. How Your Personal Information Is Transferred Globally
We are committed to protecting your personal information on a global scale. When our products involve cross-border business and necessitate the transfer of your personal information to other countries or regions, we will strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations. This includes evaluating the security of outbound information, obtaining your explicit authorization, and complying with regulatory directives. For cross-border transfers, we will require the receiving parties to adopt effective measures such as signing agreements and conducting on-site verification to ensure the confidentiality of any personal information obtained. However, if you voluntarily post information across borders on the internet, it will not fall under this confidentiality requirement. In such cases, we will ensure adequate protection of your personal information.
6. How Long We Store Information
In general, we retain your personal information for the shortest period necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, after which it will be deleted or anonymized. However, we may change the storage period to comply with legal requirements in the following cases:
• To comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and normative documents.
• To comply with decisions of administrative organs or similar authorities, judgments, and rulings of judicial organs, arbitration decisions, or other legal procedures.
• When we reasonably believe it is necessary to comply with laws and regulations.
• For purposes necessary for executing the relevant service agreement or this policy, protecting public interest, and ensuring the safety and property of third parties.
When CHIO ceases to operate, we will notify you through push notifications, website announcements, or in-app announcements, and delete or anonymize your personal information within a reasonable period.
7. How This Privacy Policy Is Updated
Our privacy policy may undergo revisions to reflect changes in our business functions, the purpose of use, or the contact information of the individual responsible for personal information protection. We value your rights under this Privacy Policy and will not diminish them without your explicit consent. Any significant changes will be promptly communicated to you through postings on the CHIO Platform and customer service notices. Material changes within the scope of this Policy include:
• Modifications to our business functions.
• Adjustments to the purpose of use.
• Changes in the contact information of the individual overseeing personal information protection.
• Significant changes in our service model, such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the way personal information is used.
• Changes in the primary recipients of personal information that is shared, transferred, or publicly disclosed.
• Significant changes in your right to participate in the processing of personal information and the manner in which it is exercised.
• Changes in the department responsible for handling the security of personal information, contact information, and complaint channels.
• When the security impact assessment report of personal information indicates a high risk.
By continuing to use our services after being notified, you agree to be bound by the revised policy. We will archive the old version of this policy for your review, and you may request access to it through the contact information provided.
8. Contact Us
This Privacy Policy is copyrighted by us, and we have the right to interpret and modify it to the extent permitted by law. For any inquiries, you can reach us at